Digital Signage Interface developed to be displayed at bus stops in San Francisco, California - USA
The client was an American company specializing in hardware for digital signage, situated in San Francisco, California. Their goal was to create a UI to be displayed at bus stops in San Francisco. The deadline for creating the UI was three months, and the entire project was conducted remotely.
At this stage, I gathered data to aid in creating a more precise design for the UI. Several questions were posed, including: "Which information do we need to display?", "What are the government's requirements?", "Does it need to be ADA compliant?", "Where will it run?", "On which hardware will it run?", and others.
ADA Compliance
The project needs to follow the ADA Standards. ADA compliance refers to the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design, which states that all electronic and information technology (like websites) that must be accessible to people with disabilities.
Some of the guidelines applied to this project were: font size, contrast, colors for better visualization for color-blindness, and others.
Search References
Visual ID of the company (Muni)
Validation w/ client and government
Final validation w/ client